This website has been created and is managed by Corrie Ammon Designs. It is not, in any way, affiliated with the Walt Disney Company. The opinions expressed on this site are those of the creator of this web site and have no relationship with the Walt Disney Company or any of its affiliates.

Many of the images contained on this web site are copyrighted by The Walt Disney Company. They own the exclusive rights to reproduction, meaning I technically have no right to use them without permission. I've placed these images only with the intent to promote Epcot Center, Walt Disney World, and other related theme parks and portions of the Walt Disney Company, and I don't believe that any of the usages I've committed can affect sales or incoming moneys to the Walt Disney Company, except to increase them. 

That being said, I intend no implication of rights of reproduction. This site is solely for entertainment.  All other works, both text and graphics, are copyrighted by the respective authors. I have made my best attempt to track down the authors of such works, but many times I have files sent to me for inclusion that may or may not be in the public domain. If you recognize any of this work and have not given permission for its use, please contact Corrie Ammon Designs


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This is a personal web site. Any references to the Disney company or any affiliates are solely for its benefit and promotion. No permission has been given to use Disney names, images, or references nor is any permission implied.

I have found most of these images from literature or on the internet. If there is any problem with them being used on this page, please email me so that I can remove them